A thriving community of Gen Z black women dedicated to chasing their new "American Dream" by building skills to thrive in a global workforce.

Your Career Mentor

Hi, my name is Faith!

Your Career Mentor

Hi, my name is Faith!

Life after college was no spiral staircase for me. My first "big girl job" was the worst experience of my adult life, greatly exacerbated by the uncertainty of a global pandemic. I felt lost, disillusioned, and confused about what to do next. I missed all the red flags, and worst of all...I didn't know who to talk to about what I had just experienced.

If this resonates...you are not alone!

As a career mentor, I have survived rounds of layoffs, multiple re-orgs, promotions, supervisory roles, workplace harassment/bullying, and a global pandemic. I have seen a lot.

I mentor young women so they are equipped to deal with these challenges with resiliency & determination. You don't have to face life after college alone.

What I offer

store product block MTP Consultation poster
MTP Consultation
60-minute consultation & career planning
store product block Professional Presence: How to Show Up, Stand Out, and Succeed as a New Hire in the first 90 days poster
Professional Presence: How to Show Up, Stand Out, and Succeed as a New Hire in the first 90 days

What I offer

store product block MTP Consultation poster
MTP Consultation
60-minute consultation & career planning
store product block Professional Presence: How to Show Up, Stand Out, and Succeed as a New Hire in the first 90 days poster
Professional Presence: How to Show Up, Stand Out, and Succeed as a New Hire in the first 90 days

African American women have potential that has yet to be realized...

African American women are more likely to experience feelings of loneliness and alienation in the workplace compared to their counterparts. They are also more likely to feel underpaid and undervalued, both at work and at home.

By emphasizing peer-to-peer mentorship and high level career strategy, African American women can discover their unique strengths and chart a path beyond their current potential.

Career Coaches

  • Focus on specific goals and skills: job searching, interview preparation, resume writing, skill development
  • Focus on short term outcomes that drop off once you secure the position; clients don't have a clue what happens after the transaction
  • Create recurring clients that don't know how to adapt to changing workplace conditions and expectations apart from direct guidance
  • Reserve their strategic offerings for executive clients, leaving the average person to fend for themselves

Career Mentors

  • Focus on career planning and strategy. Extensive time spent developing and cultivating long term vision with market research and self-study
  • Focus on long term outcomes that extend beyond the immediate job posting.
  • Create self-sustaining clientele who understand "how to fish" for themselves
  • Provide strategic offerings to meet the needs of African American women who are underserved in this particular area of life and career development

The new "American Dream"

A carefully planned life of ease, contentment & fulfillment...is possible

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Get career clarity and confidence in community.

Join a group of ambitious young women just like you.

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